Thursday, April 20, 2006

Good One Darcy!

"Bellevue, WA — Darcy Burner, the Democratic Candidate for Washington’s 8th Congressional District, sent a letter to Vice President Dick Cheney today accepting the offer he made Republican Congressman Dave Reichert to “campaign for your opponent if it’ll help.”

Burner offered to take the Vice President on a tour of the district to highlight how the Republican policies that Congressman Reichert supports are failing the voters of Washington’s 8th Congressional District. The letter outlines a tour of the district that includes:
*Mount Rainier to talk about why Darcy opposes the Republican plan — supported by Mr. Reichert — to make it easier for developers and private interests such as mining companies to take over these public lands.
*Pierce County to talk with Iraq veterans and their families to learn first hand how these constituents feel about sending soldiers into combat with inadequate body and vehicle armor.
*City of Kent to meet with workers who have had their jobs exported oversees.
*Senior Center to talk about why the administration’s prescription drug benefit — supported by Mr. Reichert — is creating such confusion and chaos.
*Bellevue Community College to meet with students and explain why the Bush Administration and Mr. Reichert support making it harder for student to get college loans."
-from where you can check out the full text of the letter.

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