Monday, December 03, 2007

"New Polls Show Hillary Ahead In New Hampshire, South Carolina ... And Iowa"

TPM Election Central:
A new round of Associated Press/Pew polls from Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina shows Hillary Clinton leading in all three Democratic contests. This would go against other recent polls showing Barack Obama ahead in Iowa, but in all those cases Iowa has been within the margin of error — meaning that the race for Iowa is almost certainly tight.

Hillary has been enjoying wide leads in practically every primary state except for Iowa, where she either trails or only leads narrowly. In short, the other candidates will need to upset her in Iowa if they want to beat her.

The full numbers are available after the jump.

Late Update: As the commenters have pointed out, the data from these polls was actually taken throughout November, when Hillary was inarguably doing much better than she is now, even though it was only released today.

Clinton 31%
Obama 26%
Edwards 19%
Richardson 10%

New Hampshire:
Clinton 38%
Obama 19%
Edwards 15%
Richardson 10%

South Carolina:
Clinton 45%
Obama 31%
Edwards 10%

Howie P.S.: I didn't know "inarguably" was a word, but the computer says "yes."

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