"College Democrats Superdelegates Lauren & Awais Endorse..."--video,(01:43):
After receiving 5,000 emails, 1,000 Facebook messages and wall posts, and hundreds of YouTube comments and video responses, Lauren and Awais of the College Democrats of America endorse..."Confident Barack Obama moves on to target swing states" (London Times):
Barack Obama side-stepped the West Virginia primary tonight by beginning a sweep through states that have already had Democratic primaries - but are marked out as battlegrounds for the election in November."Obama says he'll reshape US foreign policy. But can he?" (Guardian UK):
Past presidents have greater freedom than future presidents, apparently. So the big questions remain: does Obama really want to change US foreign policy and can he, if he does? Having a black person in the Oval Office, and especially one with an understanding of US imperialism, would have a colossal international impact in itself. But would this merely result in even greater disappointment once the months go by and US policy stays the same? In my kishkas I feel Obama is our best hope. In my mind I prepare for business as usual."Excerpts of Obama's speech in Missouri" (AP):
The other party has already decided to run on the failed policies of the past. That's why we need to be the party that stands for the future. Everywhere I go, I meet Americans who can't wait another day for change. Change that refuses to let lobbyists drown out the voices of the American people. Change that puts folks back to work. Change that finally delivers on the promise of health care you can afford, and an energy policy that makes sense. Change that leaves behind partisanship that stands in the way of progress, because we're all in this together as Americans."Obama visits Limbaugh's hometown" (Chicago Tribune):
Seeking to show he fears no Republican – even one with a deeply loyal national radio audience – Sen. Barack Obama on Tuesday essentially started his general election campaign with a brief stop here."Obama gets young people back in the race" (Joel Connelly):
By picking the boyhood home of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, his campaign pressed the idea that Obama would compete in places where Democrats have typically not fared well.
His appearance in the heavily Republican town ended just a few minutes before Sen. Hillary Clinton was declared the winner of the West Virginia primary.
Watching Democratic events in Washington, say at a town meeting where Jim McDermott vows to repulse "attacks" on Social Security, the casual observer can conclude that liberal activists are getting old and clinging to old issues."The Obama Card" (Andrew Sullivan):
The 2008 campaign, especially Sen. Barack Obama's candidacy, has changed all that by re-engaging young people and young adults. The May 20 Oregon primary is a laboratory of activism reborn.
It failed again. Jonathan Martin:For downballot Democrats worried about an Obama drag, tonight's results are heartening -- Mississippi's First Congressional District includes some of whitest counties in a heavily African-American state and was the only one Hillary Clinton won in the March primary."Six Minutes With Barack" (Willamette Week-OR):Sen. Barack Obama once remarked on the long odds of a “skinny guy from the South Side with a funny name” finding success in American politics.
How much more improbable then that Oregon—an overwhelmingly white state 1,700 miles from his Chicago home—could finally put the Illinois senator over the top this Tuesday, May 20, in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.Barack Obama
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