"Washington State Marijuana Legalization Initiative Off To Solid Start" (Philip Dawdy-Sensible Washington):As a result of a lot of hard work by a lot of committed volunteers, we’re pleased to report that I-1068 is at about 20 percent of its goal of 320,000 signatures by July 2. That’s a very good start and we cannot thank everyone enough for their hard work, especially since the weather hasn’t been too helpful the first quarter of I-1068’s signature gathering campaign. There’s about 80 percent to go and while that may sound like a lot, it won’t be if we keep gathering signatures aggressively this month. We’re just beginning to see better weather, the big events season is upon us and there are many opportunities for volunteers to gather signatures on their own initiative and to help us out for an hour or two at events."Company files case against owner of marijuana domain names." (Domain Name Wire):And if you haven’t signed up as a volunteer, please do so right here.
Stay tuned for special signing events we’re planning for April 20th.
Let’s get after those signatures, get I-1068 on the November ballot and end marijuana prohibition in Washington State.
Is the company getting ready for the day pot becomes legal? Perhaps, but the company is probably more concerned about the content on the web sites. Both sites invite visitors to “Fight Against the Legalization of Marijuana” and ridicule tobacco companies as beneficiaries of legalization of the drug. After explaining a number of bills that have been passed or introduced to legalize marijuana, the sites proclaim:
Greater than the sum of all these fears is the premonition that, when made legal, “big business,” especially those “big businesses” that profit from poisoning our society and the destroying our youth with tobacco and alcohol, will engage in and ultimately control this “multi-billion dollar” industry, furthering the decline and destruction of America at a unfathomable rate. Thus it is the mission of this website to fight the legalization and usage of marijuana/cannabis and all other intoxicating, addicting, and illicit substances.
The domain names are registered to a person in Washington, D.C., but the contact email address is for an IT/hosting company. The web sites do not identify who is behind them.
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