Tuesday, December 14, 2004

''Vote Fraud Story Sneaks Into New York Times via AP''

This blurb from ReDefeat Bush even links you to the NY Times article. The NY Times also has "Lawmaker Seeks Inquiry Into Ohio Vote," in tomorrow's paper. In a related matter, Blackwell responds to Conyers' 35 plus 2 questions in this letter. Update: Do you feel the "Ohio Fatigue" yet? Yahoo news passes on this Washington Post article, that this post in Kos seeks to put in the proper context: "I am extremely tired of Ohio and news from Ohio. It is exhausting to keep caring about it. And the frequent reposting of stories on it in the Diaries reflects a level of discoordination that a bunch of individuals, each and unto themselves, can only reflect. But every time I think we should just let it go and live on to fight another day, I think of Peggy Allen, casting her ballot for her first time at age 63, only to have it thrown in the trash." Testimony in Ohio from Green Presidential candidate David Cobb claims the "company that requires immediate and penetrating scrutiny is Triad Systems" rather than Diebold.

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