Sunday, July 24, 2005

''Did MSM & GOP Blogs Cover Friday's Hearing?''

"Larry Johnson and Pat Lang felt discouraged Friday night.

The mainstream media had written scantily about the testimony by Johnson, the former CIA and State Dept. intelligence analyst, and his mentor Lang, a retired colonel and intelligence expert, before the "Hearing on Security Implications of Revealing Covert Agent's Identity" (PDF format) on july 22, 2005.

The joint Senate/House informal hearing by Democrats remains the #1 requested video at C-SPAN. C-SPAN, in response to demand, reaired the testimony three times on Friday afternoon and evening.


Johnson's experience with CBS, told in e-mails between him and the producer
How Johnson's subsequent Saturday morning Democratic radio address got the mainstream media interested in his Friday testimony, and
How the rightwing blogs have reacted to the Friday hearing


Johnson's experience with CBS, told in e-mails between him and the producer
How Johnson's subsequent Saturday morning Democratic radio address got the mainstream media interested in his Friday testimony, and
How the rightwing blogs have reacted to the Friday hearing
Crooks & Liars has the series of e-mails between Johnson and CBS news producer Carrie Rabin..."-Susan Hu stays on the story on Booman Tribune.

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