Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"In the Coliseum of Radio" (with audio)

Al Giordano, with audio (32:08):

As some colleagues know, I'm loathe to do media interviews and turn down (or ignore) most requests - the exceptions mainly being when I'm strategically pushing a particular issue or event. But Air America's David Bender, who began emailing me during the presidential primaries, is persistent and charming at it, and he corralled me one summer night's debauchery at a pub in Austin to extract a pledge to someday appear on his show, Politically Direct. On Sunday I succumbed. It was fun and I'm glad I did.

Bender does good radio. He listens and unlike too many talk hosts he allows his guests to assist in steering the conversation, expand upon ideas and dig beyond the superficial nature of so much that gets called "news." That's part of how he scores guests like Gore Vidal, much to the envy of others. Here's audio of David's interview with me yesterday during the first half hour of his show:

We mainly talked about the two big US Senate vacancies to be filled from New York and Chicago. Readers of The Field know my views on each, but I had the chance to add some updates yesterday.

Howie P.S.: Bender hosts Al Giordano, and calls him a "journalist extraordinaire." After Giordano, Bender talks with the author of a new book about Rupert Murdoch, if you're interested.

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