Eli Sanders (The Stranger):Accusations of political carpetbagging are as common as elections, but it's rare that a candidate gets called a carpetbagger for simply moving from one neighborhood to another within the same city. Welcome to the contentious race to be the next state representative from West Seattle's 34th District, in which candidate Mike Heavey is now being called a carpetbagger for moving from Madison Valley to West Seattle just before his current run for the state house. MORE...
Howie P.S.: After poo-pooing this attack, Sanders then proceeds to air it all out pretty widely, complete with Heavey's response and a response from Marcee Stone, who says she's "not concerned." Then the tone changes. Sanders quotes
"Heavey's other major challenger Joe Fitzgibbon" (is Marcee Stone just
chopped liver?) who Sanders allows "to twist the knife." At this point the ongoing Stranger Mancrush for Joe Fitgibbon becomes even more obvious as Sanders quotes him at length on this "issue." A
Heavey hit, wrapped inside a campaign update, complete with a comparison of the candidates' voting records. In a few hours we may get an answer the question:
Will it work (again)?
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