Sunday, September 18, 2005

''On My Birthday: Looking Back''

"I wish I still had all my old emails from 1999-2000 where I made arguments against voting for George W. Bush. Over and over again, I argued that Bush would be a total disaster for this country, that it was insane to elect someone totally ignorant of world affairs, that his election would threaten women's rights and shape the Supreme Court for a half century. I predicted that world events would not remain relatively tranquil; I said he would unilaterally invade Iraq.
But I didn't predict the near total destruction of lower Manhattan and New Orleans; nor did I predict that Bush would fail to respond to the biggest disasters in our country's modern history. How could I know that he would be worse than my Cassandric predictions? Had I known he would read a children's book while Americans jumped 105 stories to their deaths, or that he would play guitar while New Orleans drowned, I doubt anyone would have believed me.

If I had told my conservative friends about No Child Left Behind and the Medicare Presciption Drug Benefit, or the size of the federal deficit, they would have called me a loon.

Bush has been worse than I predicted. Much worse."-Booman tells us why here.

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