Tuesday, December 20, 2005

''32% Favor Bush Impeachment''

"Thirty-two percent (32%) of Americans believe that President George W. Bush should be impeached and removed from office. Fifty-eight percent (58%) take the opposite view.

However, just 30% of Americans would be more likely to vote for a Congressional candidate who promised to work for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Fifty-two percent (52%) would be less likely to vote for such a candidate.

Results by gender, age, party, income, and other demographic subsets are available for Premium Members.

The Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 adults was commissioned by After Downing Street, a coalition working "to pressure both Congress and the media to investigate whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in connection with the Iraq war."

The number who support impeachment is very similar to the 33% who believe it is impossible for the United States mission in Iraq to succeed.

Thirty-five percent (35%) of Americans believe Vice President Cheney should be impeached and removed from office."-from Rasmussen Reports, tipped by AfterDowningStreet.org.


liberranter said...

"Thirty-two percent (32%) of Americans believe that President George W. Bush should be impeached and removed from office. Fifty-eight percent (58%) take the opposite view.

And sixty-eight percent of Americans have no clue what "impeachment" means, including the fifty-eight percent polled who took the view "opposite" the one that Bush should be impeached.

We're well past the age of Americans holding their government accountable for upholding and enforcing the laws set forth in the Constitution (another document most "Jack Ass" generation Americans don't know the first think about). Indeed, most of those in the Legislative and Judicial branches crave the same unchecked power for themselves and are certainly not inclined to stop the president from exercising it. To expect Congress or SCOTUS to restrain the executive branch is like expecting a bartender to keep booze away from an alcoholic.

Simply stated, if the majority of Americans really felt outraged by Bush's actions and really wanted him impeached and out of office, it would have happened years ago, probably on the heels of a million armed and angry citizens marching on Washington, who would also have demanded the recall of their "representatives" for dereliction and malfeasance of office for allowing Bush to behave in so unconstrained a fashion. As it is, most Americans don't know and could care less, regardless of what the latest poll du jour claims.

Howard Martin said...

dear liberranter: if you have such low opinion of the american public, what drives your interests in politics and your liberal ranting? A belief in the futility political activity?