Kirk Prindle:
As I spoke around King County about how the state conservation district elections were unjust and merely marginalized the importance of natural resources to King County’s livable communities and thriving economies, I saw a hunger: a hunger for specific information about issues of environmental conservation. The people want to know and they deserve to know about how natural resources are managed and protected in King County.Howie P.S.: Rumor has it that Prindle has been invited to affiliate his new blog with the existing online progressive NW infrastructure; details TBD. In case you didn't see them, here are the results of Tuesday's "election":We had such a positive response to our website addressing conservation issues specific to the region that we plan to continue the important conversation as a blog focusing on environmental issues germane to the State of Washington and the Pacific Northwest.
So…Welcome to the EVERGREEN APB – the Evergreen All Points Bulletin – a bulletin focusing on specific projects and issues of environmental, conservation, and/or land-use importance to the people of the Evergreen State.
We hope to include the informed perspective of those serving in local, state or federal municipal government; personnel from state and federal resource agencies; environmental activists; innovative design, development and building professionals; scientists; and, yes, those concerned with important rights and personal freedoms in an on-line discussion of Washington State environmental issues.I will remain engaged with the workings of KCD and hope that EVERGREENAPB.COM will provide a candid forum for the development of good and specific better ideas for the people of Washington – and the KCD Board – to consider.If you have an informed perspective to share on a specific policy issue, project or topic pertaining to conservation and/or the environment in Washington State please let us know through the “contact” page. The diverse voices, ideas, and perspectives on how to best protect our unique Evergreen environment must be heard.
Stay tuned and stay engaged.
I know you got it in you.
And PS – Thanks so much to all our supporters. Your informed perspective and inspiration has made such a difference and the KCD Board is hearing your call. Throughout the campaign the District (through Board members and staff) has reached out to better understand our call for an increased Countywide awareness of KCD’s great services and programs – as well as our loud call for an increased awareness of the importance of natural resources in King County.
Max Prinsen 1772
Mara Heiman 1488
Mary Embleton 519
Kirk Prindle 402
Teri Herrera 51
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