Eli Sanders (The Stranger):Later in our conversation, Licata recalibrates again: "The difference between McGinn and Burgess is that the current mayor has—for the most part, not always—more liberal principles, from where I stand, and so I'm more comfortable with them. But I think Tim is better in executing what he sees his vision as. And so the balance is: Do you have someone you're more comfortable with, but you're not sure he can get there because of, let's say, poor execution? Or do you have someone who's not quite where you are, but you're more confident they're going to get there, because they have good execution?" MORE...
Howie P.S.: I have opined previously about the power of The Stranger, which
it is not shy about wielding, to influence the voting habits of their audience. They were enthusiastically behind McGinn in his first race for mayor. If they bail, he will have an even more difficult time getting a second term than his lousy poll numbers suggest today. The "execution" issue, also known as "amateur hour at city hall" looks like a real one for McGinn to deal with.
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