Thursday, June 15, 2006

"The Definition of Progress"

Congressman Jim on The Huffington Post:
Soon, Republican leaders will tell the American people what to think, without the information on which to make an informed decision.

Here's something they don't want to talk about. The United States is building Fortress Iraq. The Administration would like to divert your attention while it orders the military to pour concrete runways and bunkers across Iraq. Tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers are going to be stationed in Iraq, indefinitely.

These U.S. bases will be called something else for the American people, but they will still be called targets by the insurgents.

The definition of progress in Iraq is not a Republican resolution force fed to the American people, as they would have you believe.

The definition of progress in Iraq is bringing home our soldiers--- all of them--- in significant numbers every month from this moment on, until they are out of harm's way and we are out of a war we should have never been in.

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