Monday, August 08, 2005

"Cindy Sheehan Finally Getting Some Deserved Attention"

CNN: "By popular demand ( many requests ) Cindy was on with Wolf and talked about her son, her first visit with President Bush, and her trek to Crawford in an effort to see President Bush again. She was highly critical of her first meeting with President Bush about her son's death and talked a little bit about yesterday's events." Crooks and Liars has the video.

New York Times (via Dem Bloggers): "President Bush draws antiwar protesters just about wherever he goes, but few generate the kind of attention that Cindy Sheehan has since she drove down the winding road toward his ranch here this weekend and sought to tell him face to face that he must pull all Americans troops out of Iraq now.
Ms. Sheehan's son, Casey, was killed last year in Iraq, after which she became an antiwar activist. She says she and her family met with the president two months later at Fort Lewis in Washington State.

But when she was blocked by the police a few miles from Mr. Bush's 1,600-acre spread on Saturday, the 48-year-old Ms. Sheehan of Vacaville, Calif., was transformed into a news media phenomenon, the new face of opposition to the Iraq conflict at a moment when public opinion is in flux and the politics of the war have grown more complicated for the president and the Republican Party."

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