Tuesday, September 06, 2005

''Cindy Sheehan to speak at PDA Grassroots Strategy Day''

"Cindy Sheehan has graciously accepted PDA's invitation to attend the PDA Grassroots Strategy Session on September 25th in Washington, D.C. Ms. Sheehan has risen to international prominence because of her unwavering dedication to bring the troops home and end the immoral occupation of Iraq. She will be addressing a PDA forum that highlights PDA's commitment to the long-term process of transforming the Democratic Party into an effective force for social justice and true democracy. Other speakers at the Strategy Day event include voting rights advocate John Bonifaz; Medea Benjamin of Code Pink; Tim Carpenter, Mimi Kennedy, and William Rivers Pitt of PDA; progressive Congress members and their staffs; and PDA national and regional representatives. Click here for full agenda. This Grassroots Strategy session holds the promise of being a truly significant moment in the history of PDA and its role in developing progressive legislative, electoral, and movement-building strategies for 2006 and beyond. We are honored to have Cindy join us. We hope you will too. Click here to register.

PDA is providing registration scholarships to those who need them to attend the Grassroots Strategy Day session. If you are able to contribute to the registration scholarship fund, please click here." -from Progressive Democrats of America.

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