Monday, September 24, 2007

"Not One More Dime – Not One More Life"

Chad Shue (The Left Shue):

So the next (continuing?) round of blood money requests begins on Wednesday. On that day, according to the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Robert Gates will present a request for nearly $50 BILLION for the continuing occupation of Iraq to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
What makes this request so special is that it will coming less than one month before the same body will be tasked with another request for some $147 BILLION as part of the 1st Qtr 2008 Defense Appropriations Bill. That’s right, in less than 30 days the Democratic led Congress will be asked to authorize over $200 BILLION for an occupation of Iraq that the majority of Americans want brought to an end sooner rather than later.

While I am no longer convinced that we have much influence over how our elected officials vote, I am passing along the link to the membership list for the Senate Appropriations Committee as well as the link for Sen. Patty Murray who sits on that committee. Please let these folks know that we know there is already enough money in the pipeline to bring our troops home safely. Any additional funds allocated by the congress will only add to the body count. When the argument comes back that “we need 60 votes.” let them know that we know, as the majority party, the Democrats control what bills come to floor and which ones languish in committee. If the leadership fails to lead then it will only take 41 senators to filibuster any spending bill that comes out of the committee. And to be clear, the time for “timelines” has passed. There can be no doubt that anything with a timeline will be vetoed; and we know what happens when that happens. No, if you want to see this travesty brought to an end, you must demand:

Not One More Dime – Not One More Life

Chad (The Left) Shue

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