Wednesday, January 02, 2008

"First presidential caucus to be held in Seattle... tonight!"


Drinking_liberal_bottle Seattle's Drinking Liberally, that Tuesday night politico/alcoholic phenomenon will be on Wednesday this week and the first presidential caucus in the nation will be held.

It's at the Montlake Alehouse, 2307 24th Ave. E. at 7p.

Whether you're a Democrat or Republican-- come caucus for your favorite candidate.

(Republicans better show up or BlatherWatch could pick your candidate. It's a hard decision-- who to pick? Huck-a-bee, Giuliani, or Romney? they're all such losers for so many different reasons).

Not to be confused with the Beer Caucus held every Monday night at the Court Avenue Brewery in Des Moines, Iowa)

Our statistician, Darryl at Hominid Views gives a stunning synopsis of recent Iowa polling here.
Howie P.S.: At this point in time, I am "undecided" about attending, as I am not as "audacious" as my preferred candidate and fear being swift-boated and slimed by my fellow Seattle DLers. They are all "angry" Edwards people. Am I the only one who thinks Trippi is behind the "angry" Edwards?

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