Sunday, August 17, 2008

Darcy Burner: "I have an election in three days."

Tonight I ended up at a restaurant on lower Queen Anne, sitting across the table from Darcy Burner (she was working on something and brought her laptop to the table) and David Goldstein. I was enticed there by the prospect of hanging out with the big name talkers who were in town tonight for AM1090s "We The People" 2008 Town Hall Forum. While Sam Seder and Mike Malloy did show up, for me the best part was sitting around with a small group of our region's best bloggers. Chatting with Darcy (and David) was a real bonus, but it was great to be around the likes of Michael Hood, Lynn Allen, Andrew, Jimmy, and Darryl. I hardly ever see them in person, but I feel bound together by our obsession with daily posting on politics.
Sadly, Darcy's comment reminded me I haven't mailed in my Washington state primary ballot yet. Why does it matter,you ask?
The press, the pundits and the players will be looking at how Darcy does against Reichert and how Gregoire does against Rossi. The results will help frame the media narrative on the races from now until election day and will impact how much support each campaign can generate. We need to get out the vote for our friends and get our friends to get out and vote!

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