I just hope that when he finally gets that hand back after reaching it out and discovers it has been chewed clean down to the bone by a thousand vicious cuts that he has a little awakening about the nature of the nasty little beast the American Right has become in the past couple of decades.Dave suggests some others Obama could reach out to, while he's at it:
* Rush Limbaugh
* Sean Hannity
* Zeb Bell
* Ann Coulter
* Sarah Palin
* Bristol Palin's future mother-in-law
* Karl Rove
* Dick Cheney
* Darth Vader
* Voldemo
I think Obama is reaching out to Warren because
1) he sees areas of mutual interest and grounds for future political agreement (poverty, HIV-aids) with Warren and his constituency
2) he believes they can disagree without being disagreeable and
3) because he has a sufficient feeling of trust in Warren to justify the risk of this "inclusiveness."
I'm also thinking he doesn't extend that feeling to the others on Dave's list.

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