Saturday, October 01, 2011

NY Times: "Wall Street Protesters Speak" (with video)

The Occupy Wall Street demonstration entered its 14th day on Friday. Most of the demonstrators are in their teens or 20s. Photo: Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times.

N. R. Kleinfield and Cara Buckley (NY Times) with video, (02:36):
The hodgepodge Lower Manhattan encampment known as Occupy Wall Street has no appointed leaders, no expiration date for its rabble-rousing stay and still-evolving goals and demands. Yet its two weeks of noisy occupation has lured a sturdily faithful and fervent constituency willing to express discontentment with what they feel is an inequitable financial system until, well, whenever. MORE...
Howie P.S.: The "Grey Lady" is true to form with its tardiness as well as a condescending tone. The Tea Party actions were given more credibility.

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