Thursday, March 11, 2010

Prindle scolds Publicola for its "status quo" coverage of KCD Board Election

Kirk Prindle commenting on Publicola:

Publicola does a distinct disservice to the District and the residents of King County by only mentioning the inured status quo candidate by name. Obviously the status quo is not working for the King Conservatin District as evidenced by the continued lack of awareness of the great programs offered by the District to the people and communities of King County.

The innacuracies in even the first paragraph of this article are astounding, and only further perpetuate confusion about what KCD does - and, more importantly, what KCD can and should be doing to help King County residents.
#1 - KCD has no influence over development, the spread of urban sprawl, or in fact any regulatory authority at all. KCD simply offers programs and funding to assist residents with conservation efforts - I believe they should greatly expand their services to include programs that truly promote an awareness of natural resources in our region.

#2 - Implications to the black-and-white false dichotomy of "environmentalism" vs. "property rights" only keep us from truly assessing effective options to affect conservation in the District - we are fortunate to have a wide array of uniquely-experienced candidates in the race this year. Emphasizing the importance of retaining status qou thinking only keeps the District further from making the improvements it so desperately needs.

#3 - There are political and systemic reasons for the perpetuation of the "secret" election procedures protected by KCD's status quo leadership - these should be accurately explored by Publicola as the "secret" election only keeps the District beholden to a limited group of ingrained stakeholders instead of serving the specific conservation needs of our livable King County communities.

The best way to get KCD to tailor their programs and services to the conservation needs of King County is to encourage informed involvement in the District and to encourage people to VOTE TUESDAY MARCH 16th (at the LIBRARY).

And it starts with true Morning Fizz...not Morning Fuzz.
My name is Kirk Prindle and I, too, am running for King Conservation District Board of Supervisors.

Find out more about my specific ideas to help KCD increase an awareness of the importance of natural resources to King County's thriving economies and livable communities at

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