Thursday, March 03, 2011

Matt Damon: "I no longer hope for audacity." (with video)

Alex Alvarez (MEDIAite), with video (01:02):
Actor Matt Damon visited Piers Morgan’s CNN show, taking the time to promote his new movie, The Adjustment Bureau, and… weigh in on Barack Obama’s ability to govern. In Damon’s defense, the actor was directly asked about his thoughts on Obama’s progress by Morgan after being asked whether he caught Sarah Palin’s Alaska. (Damon answered that, being the father of four daughters, he doesn’t have much time to watch TV.) Damon, you might recall, campaigned for Obama and was once quite a vocal supporter.

Damon’s response, which basically amounted to the actor expressing his disappointment in Obama, seemed articulate and well-reasoned enough, despite our personal apathy regarding celebrities’ political opinions. MORE...
Howie P.S.: Celebrity endorsements of political views are only as valuable as the quality of thought that produces them.

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