Tuesday, August 08, 2006



I didn't make a single phone call, I didn't walk a single precinct, I didn't lick any envelopes, or staffed an information booth at the local farmer's market.

I wrote about the race and suddenly people want to give this blog (and me) all sorts of credit/blame. Only the laziest of lazy reporters and pundits can lay this at the feet of me or any other blogger.
Lamont has the support of a people-powered army. Unlike Lieberman who has had to pay top-dollar for his GOTV operation, Lamont supporters are there on their own volition, eager to work because they believe in the cause. You can't buy that sort of dedication and commitment.

Yet all of that is ignored in this "bloggers flexed muscle" narrative.
I sat on my ass and wrote about it. I'm about as relevant to winning the Connecticut primary as the 101st Fighting Keyboardists are in winning the war in Iraq.

Give credit where it's due. The people-powered movement isn't about blogs. In fact, most of its foot-soldiers don't even know what a blog is.

It's about creating a new political order in which ordinary people can take charge of their political destinies and do something to make their country a better place.

They're the heroes in all of this.

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