Monday, September 25, 2006

Patricia Brooks: One Whidbey Woman's Protest

From her website:

On Sept. 11, 2006, I began a hunger strike, eating no food and drinking only water. My objective: to urge citizens to take back their country and stop this administration on its deadly course to what Dick Cheney called (in the document Defense Planning Strategy for the 1990s, leaked to The New York Times in 1992) "The Plan for global dominance."

Everything that has happened since Cheney & Co. re-took office has had nothing whatever to do with 9/11 and the same strategy re-named "the war on terror." It is imperative that we citizens inform ourselves and act to stop this destructive course. The invasion of Iraq was part of the original Plan, and we are now seeing the disastrous results. Next on the agenda is Iran and Syria; the demonizing of their leadership has already begun.
What you can do: I beg everyone to write a letter a day for the next month, to the White House and/or your own Congressional representatives, to demand that these dangerous actions stop, through explicit acts of Congress that will stop the war on Iraq and begin impeachment hearings for this entire administration. It has become clear that simply expressing our disfavor in polls will never work; these men could care less. They have shown no respect for true democracy, only the pursuit of their own disastrous agenda.

So I have begun a hunger strike, which will last until I see in the national media or hear from you that all their offices are overflowing with letters. Please e-mail me when you have begun to write your letters: . Or call me at (360) 678-1562.

Will we go down in history as the people who, like the Germans, did not stop their government from mass killing in the pursuit of their own power? Be worthy of democracy by making your voices heard. Thank you. Patricia Brooks

Today's Seattle Times has this story that tipped to Patricia Brooks' protest.

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