Wednesday, March 05, 2008

"Barack Obama OH, TX Primary Night Speech" (video)

Veracifier (TPM), video (05:04):
Barack Obama primary night speech, March 4, 2008
Howie P.S.: Predictably, Ben Smith looks at the night from the Clinton corner:
The decisive role that the party leaders known as superdelegates play in a close race means that Clinton has not just to beat Obama at the polls; she needs to prove to those party leaders that he is unfit, or unready, to be the party's nominee. That's a formula for conflict and confrontation, and while tonight's tone was friendly, it's hard to see how that lasts long.
Josh Marshall looks from the other side:

A lot's getting said tonight. And a lot of it is baseless speculation. But the one thing that rings true to me is this: The Clinton campaign got rough and nasty over the last week-plus. And they got results. That may disgust you or it may inspire you with confidence in Hillary's abilities as a fighter. But wherever you come down on that question is secondary to the fact that that's how campaign's work. Opponents get nasty. And what we've seen over the last week is nothing compared to what Barack Obama would face this fall if he hangs on and wins the nomination.

So I think the big question is, can he fight back? Can he take this back to Hillary Clinton, demonstrate his ability to take punches and punch back? By this I don't mean that he's got to go ballistic on her or go after Bill's business deals or whatever else her vulnerabilities might be. Candidates fight in different ways and if they're good candidates in ways that play to their strengths and cohere with their broader message. But he's got to show he can take this back to Hillary and not get bloodied and battered when an opponent decides to lower the boom. That will obviously determine in a direct sense how he fares in the coming primaries and caucuses. And Obama's people are dead right when they say, he doesn't even have to do that well from here on out to end this with a substantial pledged delegate margin.

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