Thursday, July 17, 2008

Over the last few years, the internet has become a widely used tool within the political landscape. Moreover, the VOICE of the internet has risen as powerful force in shaping the direction of this country.

When Ustream.TV launched in early 2007, we had the opportunity to broadcast live a 3-day event at the time known as the YearlyKos. This group of “grassroots, hardcore bloggers” met in Chicago to discuss the issues of the day affecting our country and the world. It’s impact was powerful. It was such a success that it garnered the attention of the Democratic party’s most influential, culminating in a live presidential debate with all the Democratic Presidential candidates.

Well, its a new year and they have a new name. Netroots Nation, founded in 2006, will be broadcasting live on Ustream this weekend its 3rd annual conference from Austin TX. Broadcasts start Thursday and go through Sunday.

The list of speakers is pretty impressive: General Wesley Clark (a member of the Ustream advisory board), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Governor Howard Dean.

We will have wall to wall coverage of the event with 5-6 different feeds of all the breakout sessions. You can see a full list of the speakers here:

For all the different feeds, check out the Netroots/Ustream pages below:

Howie P.S.: TPM will have coverage, also. Ari Melber (Seattle native and my favorite writer at The Nation) reminds me that his panel "The War Pundits" with mcjoan, Samantha Power, Greg Mitchel and Mark Danner will be airing @8:30 am Pacific on Saturday.

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