I started posting on HowieinSeattle in 11/04, following progressive American politics in the spirit of Howard Dean's effort to "Take Our Country Back." I decided to follow my heart and posted on seattleforbarackobama from 2/07 to 11/08.--"Howie Martin is the Abe Linkin' of progressive Seattle."--Michael Hood.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
"A Picnic for the 99%: An Alternative to Barack Obama's Bellevue Fundraiser"
Downtown Park, Bellevue, WA, 10201 Northeast 4th St.
Barack Obama is having lunch with supporters on Friday, February 17th in Bellevue. The fact that in order to win a Presidential election, candidates must spend their time wooing the people who are benefiting most from the current corrupt order instead of listening to those who are suffering showcases how poorly our political system serves its citizens.
Because of this, we will be staging a picnic for the 99% nearby at the same time. President Obama will be sent an invitation. This will be a lunch for regular folks to talk about how the they aren't being served by the current election process, and offer ideas for improving things. Canned food donations are requested and will be given to the port truckers, who are fighting for their collective bargaining rights to combat appalling work conditions.
President Obama won't be able to collect large donations from each attendee, but
he will get a valuable lesson in what is wrong with our political system.MORE...
I'm watching you from the 22nd floor in the Lincoln Square Tower. I brought non-perishable food for the laid-off folks. I'll run down in a sec. if that's your people I see in the park.
OK. I did not have the pleasure of meeting the Howie folks, but another pleasant person accepted my food. Hope somebody will enjoy it. I bought what I would have wanted if I were laid off. Brownie mix, Mac 'n' cheese, tuna. :) It was a mellow protest, but always fun to be out on the street with the community.
I'm watching you from the 22nd floor in the Lincoln Square Tower. I brought non-perishable food for the laid-off folks. I'll run down in a sec. if that's your people I see in the park.
OK. I did not have the pleasure of meeting the Howie folks, but another pleasant person accepted my food. Hope somebody will enjoy it. I bought what I would have wanted if I were laid off. Brownie mix, Mac 'n' cheese, tuna. :) It was a mellow protest, but always fun to be out on the street with the community.
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