Three candidates are vying for the 34th District State House seat, which includes West Seattle, White Center and Burien. We'll meet the candidates.
Marcee Stone is a legal secretary and campaign finance activist.
Joe Fitzgibbon is chair of the Burien Planning Commission.
Mike Heavey is an aide to King County Councilmember Jan Drago.
Howie, you are re-publishing the misinformation that KUOW posted on their own web site, and then broadcast it. There are FOUR candidates in that race. I'm sure the other three candidates didn't mention their Independent opponent, but KUOW could have done better fact checking before scheduling the "interview with the candidates." I used to think better of KUOW's programming.
My headline said "3 Dems, 1 Seat in West Seattle." If you want to complain about KUOW's choice of guests, you know where you can go.
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