Tuesday, June 05, 2007

"Do you have Prince Albert in the can?"

If you're KUOW, the answer is yes:

An Interview with Al Gore in Seattle--Audio available online or on the dial at 9:00 a.m. (archived at 10:05 a.m.).--Today (Tuesday), an interview with former Vice President Al Gore in Seattle. His new book looks at what he calls "the assault on reason" in the American political landscape. We'll talk about issues ranging from the environment to the war in Iraq. Also, find out if Al Gore's tired of all the speculation concerning his possible presidential run in 2008. We'll also turn to you, the listeners, for in-depth analysis.
Howie P.S.: Thanks to Michael Hood at BlatherWatch for the tip. Turns out that the accompanying photo from KUOW of Al is out of the can, also. Unlike the interview, however, the photo is more than one day old.

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