Sunday, January 02, 2005

DNC or Dean NC?

This morning's LA Times article, "Democrats Split Again Over Party's Agenda" casts the current plight of the national Democratic party in the mainstream media's favorite terms, "liberal" versus "centrist." I prefer "netroots" versus "Beltway", if we are going to be engaging in media hyperbole. From The Smirking Chimp which alerts us to the article, "The Ninth Level": "Following their most recent electoral disaster, establishment Democrats concluded that the party lost because it was overly faithful to the principles of the Democratic rank and file. In order to rectify this error, former Congressman Tim Roemer has been recruited to oppose Howard Dean for the Democratic National Committee chairmanship, and to do so by advocating that the party “moderate” its stance on reproductive rights. Specifically, Roemer stresses attracting socially conservative voters by having the Democrats support the criminalization of late term abortions. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (who is ostensibly pro-choice) and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (who is ostensibly pro-Democrat) are encouraging Roemer to pursue his vulgar undertaking. Despite Pelosi’s reputation, she is not a liberal in any meaningful sense of the term, and Reid is not a liberal in any sense of the term. The Democratic Congressional leaders are loath to confront the Republicans who are ruining this country, but eager to sell out women for political advantage." The author, by the way, is not a woman.

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