Tuesday, January 04, 2005


A letter writer in Statesman Journal from Salem, OR uses the problems with vote counting in Washington state, exit polling and the Bush administration's objections to the recent election in the Ukraine to advocate "U.S. voters should protest fraud in presidential election." The Chicago Sun-Times has this: "Senators should object to Ohio vote," from Jesse Jackson. Michael Arvey takes the "mainstream liberal media" to task in "Get Over It, Winners on OpEdNews.com. Democratic Underground has this post: "Boxer on board?" The Progressive Democrats of America are having a press conference in Washington DC tomorrow: "BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT, BUSH DID NOT WIN THE OHIO OR NATIONAL VOTE" is their story line. There are several other events planned this week: "From SELMA to WASHINGTON: 40 Years Marching For Our Voting Rights," "January 5th Freedom Ride From Columbus to Washington," and Rally at 10:00 A.M. on January 6th -- Lafayette Park, Washington, DC. Randi Rhodes devoted much of her Air America show today to Thursday's challenge of the Ohio vote. Update: From Forrest Jackson: "In Seattle tomorrow you can drop in and visit at the offices of our US Senators, to urge their support for Representative John Conyers and the GAO's investigation of the widespread and systematic voting fraud that took place in Ohio, New Mexico, and Florida on November 2nd. A group of us are meeting at 9:00 AM at 823 1st Avenue (at the Starbucks, cross street Marion). We're briefly discussing strategy, then sending ourselves up to Senator Murray's office, followed by Senator Cantwell's office, to let our elected officials know how important we believe a fair election to be. If you're interested in participating, but unavailable at 9:00 AM, give me a call and I'll let you know the "skinny" is on what you can do... I am hoping to have this go on all day, so night people can get in on the action, too! My contact info is 206-789-4397 hm, 206-383-9738 mobile or email me at forrestajackson@earthlink.net." William Rivers Pitt pleads "Stand Up, Senator" from truthout.org. Intelligence Squad offers us, "The Democrats’ Last Chance to Reveal a Spine."

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