Morning Fizz (publicola):
Speaking of lefties from the 34th Legislative District—state Rep. Eileen Cody (D-34) is getting some love from the revenue coalition, the ad hoc group of labor, social services, education, and environmental groups that is pushing the legislature to balance budget cuts with taxes.Howie P.S.: I am so pleased with my state rep for doing this.Cody introduced a bill last week that would cut $150 million in corporate tax breaks (including a break for big banks on mortgage loans and break for TransAlta’s Centralia coal plant).
Members of the coalition have begun wearing these yellow buttons around the capitol.
While 23 reps have signed on—including Seattle reps Reuven Carlyle, Mary Lou Dickerson, Joe Fitzgibbon, David Frockt, Phyllis Kenney, and Jamie Pedersen—Cody acknowledged to PubliCola that the bill didn’t have much of a chance because, she said, it would have to get a two-thirds vote.
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