I started posting on HowieinSeattle in 11/04, following progressive American politics in the spirit of Howard Dean's effort to "Take Our Country Back." I decided to follow my heart and posted on seattleforbarackobama from 2/07 to 11/08.--"Howie Martin is the Abe Linkin' of progressive Seattle."--Michael Hood.
Friday, April 29, 2011
(WA): "Gov. To Veto Medical Marijuana Bill, Bill's Sponsor Says"
Gov. Chris Gregoire will veto the "heart and soul" of the medical marijuana bill, the bill's primary sponsor Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles tells KIRO 7 Eyewitness News.
Kohl-Welles said the governor will be pledging to work with the bill's supporters in a special session on a version of the legislation that will not put state workers in jeopardy.
Earlier, Gregoire said she will reveal her decision on the bill during her bill action time Friday afternoon.
The governor is scheduled to take action on a number of bills and has the option of partially vetoing a bill or signing it into law.
The Legislature has passed a major overhaul of the state's medical marijuana law in spite of a veto threat by the governor. The measure would for protect some patients from being arrested and create a system for licensing storefront dispensaries and grow operations.
On Wednesday, Gregoire reiterated her stance that signing the bill as it stands will put state employees at risk of federal prosecution, an argument contended by constitutional experts. Gregoire has hinted at a partial veto that would take out the regulatory proposals advocates fought for during the session.
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