Friday, January 12, 2007

Bill Moyers in Memphis (UPDATED, with video)

News Dissector:
Award winning journalist Bill Moyers opened the National Conference for Media Reform Friday with a pointed speech about the negative influence of corporations on American media and, Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

Before a packed house of more than 2,000 conference goers, Moyers said that the independent press is under sustained attack with the few corporations that control all the media conspiring with political leaders to create an Orwellian world "in which language conceals reality and the pursuit of personal gain and partisan power are wrapped in rhetoric that turns truth to lies and lies to truth.

"American media "have even managed to turn the escalation of a failed
war into a surge, as if it were electricity through a wire instead of
blood spurting through veins," Moyers said.

Evoking the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., Moyers compared big media corporations to plantation owners and everyday media consumers to their slaves.

"Something is wrong with this system," Moyers said. "This is the moment freedom begins, the moment you realize someone else has been writing your story, and it's time you took the pen from his hand and started writing it yourself."

"We now have it in our means to tell a different story than big media.
Our story," he concluded. "This is the great gift of the digital
revolution and you must never let them take it a way from you."
Howie P.S.: The other big problem is that the neocons are very secretive. Their actions appear to be crazy because they don't reveal their true purposes.

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