Monday, January 01, 2007

"Do you want Al Gore to run?"

Another poll on MyDD, with some commentary:
I am a Gore supporter. I'd love to see him run in 2008. I would be first in line to get a 'Draft Gore' movement in functioning order...if I could. The fact is, given my current obligations with regards to my academics, my job, and my focus on a permanent job after college, I cannot devote the necessary time to building that movement. It's not from a lack of passion or a lack of motivation that prevents me from doing so. Cold, hard reality prevents me from doing so.

This brings me to my challenge to anyone in the netroots community: do you really want Al Gore to run? You can wish for him to run all you want, but it is abundantly clear that if there is no strong grassroots movement to draft him, he will not run. If you do, it's time to start organizing and making a genuine effort to get Gore into the race. If this is something you really want to occur, make it happen. With 2006 passing, you only have 2007 to work with - and it's starting tomorrow. And if there continues to be a complete lack of action on drafting Gore, there is no reason to consider him when one looks at the current field of presidential candidates when deciding who to support.

So what will it be?

1 comment:

MR said...

I very much agree with you...I just wrote a piece on why I think Gore will vanquish Hillary in 2008, please check out at