Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pelosi: "We Will Not Be Swiftboated On These Issues"
"He's done this before, this escalation, and it hasn't worked. And the same poor judgment that got us to where we are now , is what he wants us to respect as he goes forward."

Pelosi also made it clear that she and the rest of the Democratic leadership are ready for predictable attempts by the Bush administration to spin opposition to an ill-advised Iraq escalation as Democrats not supporting the troops.

"We will say what we believe is right for our country and if he wants to say 'you're cutting off funding for the troops,' we just have to come right back on that - because that's all they say," said Pelosi. "What are they going to say? 'You want to cut off money for the troops' - we're not doing that. There are people who want us to, but that's not what the leadership and the Democratic party in Congress is advocating, by and large.

"We will not be swiftboated on these issues," the House Speaker said firmly.

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