“How much public-endangering malfeasance and unnecessary violence must the people of Seattle endure before we see real change at SPD signalled with a change of leadership?
Under Diaz the people of Seattle have been terrorized with daily stories of police brutality and the murder of innocent civilians. The police did everything possible to endanger an innocent patient, an apartment complex, and an entire neighborhood with the wanton use of submachine guns. It is only shear luck that we do not have yet another Seattle resident dead or injured as a result SPD incompetency.
Mr. Mayor, the people of Seattle should not feel threatened by their police force: Get a new police chief that understands and respects the values of our Seattle communities.
What an absolute embarrassment.”

The Seattle Police Department and the mayor's office have repeatedly insisted that marijuana possession, per city law, is the lowest law enforcement priority. They also adhere, they say, to a state law that makes it legal for authorized patients to use and grow marijuana.But last night provided evidence that Seattle police are willing to invest tremendous resources in the smallest of pot cases—even cases where the pot is legal—and the mayor’s office will remain silent.
Just before 9:00 p.m., officers at SPD’s East Precinct held a briefing about the complaint of marijuana at a four-unit apartment building in the Leschi neighborhood. One week earlier, officers applied for a search warrant from King County Superior Court, sent an officer with a K9 to sniff at the door, confirmed the scent of marijuana, and were in the process last night of planning a raid. “Once the briefing was completed, officers donned their raid equipment clearly marked ‘Police’ on all sides,” according to a draft incident report filed by police.
A cadre of between six and nine officers ran up the stairs; some carried MP5 submachine guns, others held pistols, and at least one held the battering ram. They pounded on the apartment door and said it was the police. MORE...
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