UPDATE: "Occupy Seattle protesters submit list of demands to mayor" (KOMO Staff via seattlepi.com):
Organizers said they'd been told to submit the list by 8 p.m. Tuesday or face eviction from Westlake Park the following morning. Because the protesters submitted the list on time, they were given another 24 hours at Westlake Park. MORE...occupyseattle.org:
1) To the Mayor-- First and foremost, we demand that Mayor McGinn meet with nominated representatives of Occupy Seattle in order to discuss our long term goals.
2) Practical Demands
-- Four large tents for Medical, Kitchen, Supply and Info/Tactical
-- Twenty four hour parking at City Hall (One space for supply purposes)
-- Twenty four occupancy shelters for health and safety of protesters
-- Twenty four hour access to first floor of City Hall for access to restrooms, meetings & etc.
-- A written statement from Mayor McGinn regarding right to indefinite occupancy of City Hall site.This list of demands has been so resolved and passed by the General Assembly of Occupy Seattle this Tuesday, October 11, 2011.
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