Friday, December 03, 2004

''Democrats have enough to pay for recount in governor's race''(UPDATED)

"Less than a day after Democrat Christine Gregoire vowed to concede the race for governor unless Democrats come up with enough money for a full rather than partial vote recount, her party said it had the money to do so."-full story from AP here. "Much of that money came in after an appeal was made by Vermont Gov. and former presidential contender Howard Dean." Update: The Washington Post jumps on the Chris parade with: "The $730,000 down payment that will start a statewide recount came from cash left over in Kerry's presidential campaign, from the Democratic National Committee, and, in the past two days, from 15,000 smaller donations, many of them from individuals reached by Democracy for America, an organization created by Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor who sought the Democratic presidential nomination this year."-from "A Recount by Hand in Wash."Did they say "Wash.?" Some more: "The phenomenally tight election appears to have motivated national Democratic Party leaders -- stung by criticism of Al Gore's concession in 2000 and Sen. John F. Kerry's concession last month -- to make sure that the party does not look weak-kneed when there is a legal avenue for reversing an election's outcome." The Seattle P-I fills in with more details on where the money came from: "Sen. John Kerry, the party's unsuccessful presidential nominee, donated $250,000 in surplus campaign contributions and and the Democratic National Committee and contributed similar amounts. EMILY's List, a national campaign group for pro-choice Democratic women, contributed, as did more than 10,000 individual donors, many online, the party said. The party's fund raising topped $1 million by Friday night, including donations prompted by an appeal by Howard Dean, said party spokeswoman Kirstin Brost."

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