Thursday, June 09, 2005

''Afraid of Rush''

"I keep hearing people say that Howard Dean should be more careful not to say things that the Republicans can twist around and make into something that sounds bad. They say that Dean is "just giving them ammunition." I call this the "being afraid that Rush Limbaugh is going to say something bad about them" syndrome.

I have some news. Sit down. Prepare yourself. Take a breath. Here it comes:

Rush Limbaugh is going to say something bad about you. Republicans are going to twist whatever you say. It doesn't matter what it is that you actually say. They lie. They distort. They manipulate. Get it into your head. As much as Howard Dean is able to advance a narrative that the Republican Party is a party of white male Christians, it forces Hispanics, women, blacks and Jews to return to the Democrats. As much as Howard Dean is able to advance a narrative that Republicans only work for the interests of the rich that brings blue collar and middle class people back to the Democrats.

I mean, why do you THINK the Republicans are trying to get him to stop saying that?"-from Dave Johnson's Seeing the Forest blog. Thanks to Sue at Suburban Guerilla for cross-posting this.

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