Thursday, June 09, 2005

''Dean's the man''

"The establishment, led by Sen. Biden (D-MBNA) are leading the charge against Dean, helping Republicans take Dean's statements out of context, or bashing the ones that are true, like

"They have the agenda of the conservative Christians...the Republicans don't include people. Look, they are outside the mainstream. They have used words like quota to try to separate black from white Americans. They did scapegoat gay Americans by putting an anti-gay amendment on it--in 11 states where gay marriage is already against the law. And they are attacking immigrants. Two--two Republican congressmen, Jim Sensenbrenner and Tom Tancredo, have incredible anti-immigrant legislation. This is not the way America needs to be."

The Rude Pundit has Howard's back, as does Atrios who started a fundraising drive so Howard doesn't have to beg on his knees for fat cat donations."-Kos, himself, jumping aboard the train Hausfrau started up here and elsewhere on Tuesday.

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