Wednesday, June 08, 2005


"Did he make a mistake with these comments? Absolutely," Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut told CNN on Wednesday. "Howard is doing a good job ... he could have chosen better words."-Senator Christopher Dodd, searching for the middle ground.

"Rove 101: attack Kerry, Max Cleland on their war records; attack Dean for being a plain-speaking talker."-HowieinSeattleforDean, responding to the lastest attack on Dean. Don't expect them to stop anytime soon.

"Incredibly, the media's reaction to criticism seems to be to keep going after Howard Dean. If the media was 1/10 as good at exposing all Bush's lies and corruption, as it is at twisting Dean's words, and if they played the clip of Bush proclaiming “mission accomplished” against the backdrop of the continuing death and destruction, as often as they played the distorted audio of the “Dean Scream”, Dean would be in the White House today."-from the post, "Yes, Bush Is a Crook," on the Is Bush the Antichrist? blog.

"The Democrat leaders need to take a hint and stay on message...Example:
Reporter: "Dean said something controversial! What do you think about that?"
Leader: "Dean speaks for himself. I think he was getting at how Republicans have divided America and that they favor one group over others. That's not the American way. We should all work together for the benefit of our great country." Don't give fodder to the biased media to misreport or the GOP to twist and contort."-from the MacroMayhem blog.

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