Monday, June 14, 2010

WA I-1068: "FUSE and the ACLU - the Tea Party of the left???...‏"

Kirk Prindle:
How is the behavior of FUSE and the ACLU in re I-1068 any different than that of those involved with the Tea Party movement? In lieu of supporting issues profoundly important to their respective bases, these groups instead defer to a long history of mis-informed scare tactics and overt racist slander.

It takes an informed perspective to truly understand the tragic implications of continued prohibition to the working families of Washington State---especially families struggling in underprivileged areas and communities of color.

It is too bad the Board of FUSE does not have the necessary experience to understand the importance of this informed perspective (though, unfortunately, not surprising given their privileged demographic and socioeconomic make-up).

Fortunately -- in addition to the other many benefits of I-1068 to the State of Washington -- the initiative allows the people of Washington to identify who is truly willing to lead on important progressive issues in this state. It is clear progressives need to look beyond the privileged Board of Directors at FUSE.

Don't be conFUSEd...

True progressives support social justice!
True progressives SUPPORT I-1068!


Unknown said...

I support the Tea party and I am a volunteer for semsible wa I have collected 800 signatures to date. I think there are plenty of Tea party canidates out there who support marijuana.If you look at it from the constitution the 4th and 14th amedments would not allow a drug war. I collected over 90 signatures at the oly tea party.I wouldn't consider looking at things with the constitution in mind racist. The tea party stands behind what they belive in the ACLU don't.

Curtis said...

I hope that you've signed and mailed in all of those petitions.

Unknown said...

I-1068 is a non-partisan issue! The Whatcom County Democrats unanimously endorsed it, and we also have conservatives actively volunteering with signature gathering.

I-1068 is sensible removal of useless penalties, and for the hundreds of volunteers gathering signatures, it is certainly not a political ball game. :)