The tragic ramifications of continued prohibition in regard to social justice, civil rights, and environmental and economic sustainability have been a focus of Washington State progressive groups through the past decade. This is, quite simply, because the heartbreaking consequences of prohibition to Washington’s working families – especially in underprivileged areas and communities of color – can no longer be ignored.
Even as research continues to confirm the numerous health and social benefits of a natural plant medicine – in regard to cancer treatment and prevention, domestic violence rates, pain relief, anxiety, arthritis, glaucoma, etc… the list is ever-growing – Washington families are still being torn apart and individual lives destroyed by our draconian marijuana laws (remember it was just in 1995 that Newt Gingrich proposed a bill that would require the death penalty for marijuana distribution).
This is why it is so heartening to see progressive values and the importance of I-1068 emphasized by mainstream democratic groups even as other purported progressive “leaders” cower to long-perpetuated scare tactics and racism-infused lies and propaganda. The power of hope is palpable as democratic groups are now providing resounding support for I-1068. I-1068 is currently endorsed by the King County Democratic Central Committee, the Whatcom County Democrats, the Fidalgo Democrats, and the 23rd, 30th, 37th, 39th and 41st District Democrats.
And now, word from Dwight Pelz on the Washington State Democratic Central Committee:
Subject: RE: ACTION ALERT: Middle class tax reform
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 14:54:58 -0700
We are holding our convention next week, and I anticipate endorsement of 1068.
It seems the answer to the question of whether the people of Washington can overcome over 80 years of mis-information to embrace social justice, personal liberty, and important health alternatives is now coming through loud and clear:
Yes we Cannabis!
Kirk Prindle
(Kirk Prindle is a West Seattle I-1068 coordinator and a resident of the Delridge Neighborhood)
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